Monday, April 6, 2015

The Best Toddler Snacks for Children With Allergies

Not long ago I stood in one of the aisles of the grocery store and looked up and down the aisle. I told Luke I would give him $100 if he could find one item that M could eat in the aisle. He looked down the aisle and said he couldn't, he would definitely lose the challenge. There were 2 items in the aisle that I thought would be safe. One was sunflower seeds and the other was popcorn. He has had sunflower seeds in snack bars but popcorn is too much of a choking hazard. We walked through the entire aisle without adding one item to our carts and I was happy knowing that I had better options for my children.

A year ago, when I first found out about M's allergies, it did bother me. I wondered what I was going to feed him. I couldn't believe that there were more items in the grocery aisles that he couldn't eat then safe items. Now, I have a list of allergy free foods and I am happy to feed my children safe, healthy foods and I know that we are better off without the prepackaged varieties.

I am always looking for ways to save on the snack portion of our grocery budget. I do buy some of those expensive prepacked allergy free snacks occasionally but those are special treats. I have searched and found other cheaper options of snack foods that my children love. I have compiled a list to help others find snacks without breaking your grocery budget. Always be sure to read the labels to make sure that the items are not prepared in a facility that also makes any allergens you or your children have.

Toddler Snack Ideas

Fresh Fruit- our favorites are bananas, grapes(quartered), pineapple, cantaloupe, blueberries, and pears.

Original Rice Cakes- I like to get them on sale for $1 or $1.25 and buy a couple extra bags.

Applesauce- We use jars at home and pouches for traveling. You can get 4 pouches in a box at Dollarama for $1.50.

Raisins or Craisins- I find it cheaper to buy a big bag and put in small containers for traveling.

Dried Fruit such as Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fruit snacks found in Baby food section. They also sell packages at Dollarama.

Regular Potato Chips- cooked in Canola Oil such as Compliment brand or No Name brand. Don't give to a child that chokes easily.

Freezies- Good alternative to costly ice cream for hot summer days.

Homemade cookies or muffins- I usually add bananas or pumpkin to these.

Homemade pudding- I sometimes use blended up frozen berries as an alternative to sugar.

Mini Carrots- for older toddlers less likely to choke. B loves these.

Coconut milk yogurt- it is expensive but a good healthy treat occasionally.

Frozen Fruit cups- Place cut up fruit in freezer safe cup, add juice to cover. Let freeze. Best if you let it thaw until slushy, about 30 minutes, and enjoy.

Homemade Popsicles- Blend frozen berries and milk together and pour in popsicle molds and freeze, You can use any of your favorite smoothie recipes.

Share some of your favorite toddler snacks in the comments!

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